Your logo is your calling card, your company’s mark on the world. It’s a way that people recognize your company and a way for you to identify yourself amongst the crowd. Saying that your logo is important is an understatement. That’s why it should be a priority to create one, outstanding logo. How? Well for starters, a great logo is simple, eye-catching and easily recognizable.
Too much detail, wording or pictures can confuse consumers and make a logo look busy. This happens all too often as companies want to cram a lot of information into one central image, but it ends up doing the brand a disservice. A simple logo is easier to create, replicate and translate from signs to merchandise to promotional give aways. No more than three colors should be used and one type of font family should be used throughout the logo if it includes more than just the company name.
Beyond simplicity, the logo should catch the attention of potential customers. Bright colors and bold fonts will grab the eye. An image of a product you sell can also help spread the message of your company, especially if it’s a well-known product like a type of food or clothing item. A well-developed logo will garner attention on its own whether it’s on an outdoor sign, the side of a vehicle or on a postcard. Keep in mind as well that the logo should look the same and have the same visual quality whether it is blown up large and shrunk down small.
When designing your logo also keep in mind that it should be recognizable to your audience. Children all over the world know the McDonald’s logo without even seeing the name of the restaurant. You want to create a logo that represents what you have to offer but is easy to distinguish from other companies and that consumers will know is you, your company and your reputation. These three elements make up a quality logo that can last the lifetime of your company and represent it well.
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